Don’t Call me boss babe

Image of Brenda Moore with quote "Don't call me Boss Babe". 12 things we need to stop saying to women in business. Bossb

‘Don’t call me boss babe.’ 12 things we need to stop saying to women in business.

Recently I was quoted in this article on Mamamia by Kelly Walter.

I was able to voice my firmly held view that those cute names people use for women’s careers are not doing anyone any favours.

This is my contribution:

7. “Boss babe and fempreneur” – Brenda Moore, Happen Consulting.

“I have real issues with terms like ‘boss babe’ ‘fempreneur’ etc. There is absolutely no need to feminise these terms. These sorts of terms are irrelevant at best and often demeaning. I am a boss, an entrepreneur, a manager, and a consultant – my gender is irrelevant and I don’t believe highlighting it is helpful to either me or to the perception of women in business.”

The full article is well worth the read! Thanks to Kelly Walter and Mamamia for including me.

Image of Brenda Moore with quote "Don't call me Boss Babe". 12 things we need to stop saying to women in business. Bossb


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